Thursday 4 July 2013

What employers are looking for?

The results are out!!!!!!!!!!!    For some of you, it is a time for rejoicing. You have achieved that 1st class degree that you have worked hard for over the past 3 years. For others.....pheww.....I have made it, 2:1.......that is ok. But what about the others who have gotten a 2:2? 

Do you feel as if you are failure?
Do you feel depress?
Are you thinking, why did I waste 3 years of my life?
Who is going to employ me? After all there are others out there with a 1st or 2:1.

Well guess what, employers are not necessary looking at whether you spend 3 years memorising some academic book. 

I was amazed by an article written by Lord Winston that was sent to me by a friend.  I have decided to share it with all my fellow students who might have received a 2:2 and below......Cheer up there is hope. Read and enjoy.

P.S: Don't forget to leave comments below.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Boosting my "employability skills".............hmmmm

You have done all you can possible do to boost your " employability skills". Wait a minute....What is this "employability skills"?

" Employability skills are the skills almost everyone needs to do almost any job. They are the skills that must be present to enable an individual to use the more specific knowledge and technical skills that their particular workplaces require... The UK commission believes that a central part of what all publicly-funded training should do is to develop the ability to use knowledge and skills in the workplace effectively ".

Apparently all of the above. So lets go through them one by one to see whether I am employable. You can also try and examine yourself to see if you are employable. If you are unable to give examples or evidence of each.....see you at the job centre have just become a statistic. So here we go:

Number - I would like to think I can count from 1-100 after 3 years in university and many more years at other educational institution. If not, hopefully I can work out how much my wage is per month. For my readers, just think about how much you will be paying Student Loan after 3 years (£12000 - £32000).

Language - Is this speaking English, French or going through university with all sorts of modern day slang "thats sick, lol"? Are is it speaking the academic language ( which is completely different from the any language that is spoken in the workplace.

IT - I guess I do have that skills, am I not blogging? lol

Self-management - ????????????????????????? oh yesss, I get dress in the morning, I know how to manage the meagre money I have.

Working together - Really? after 3 years, I have learned that working with the wrong people has caused me valuable grades. In fact  team work has accounted for probably 80% of students getting low grades (don't quote me, no official research was done).......... I am sure everyone agrees with me. And this pattern will probably continue in the workplace. Can you imagine having to work with people who are lazy, dull, etc............ yes...........incomplete work project or possible sack. Is this an employable skill or an unemployable skill? looool

Think and problem solving - Well, I would like to think that one does not need to go to university to develop this. From the beginning of time men are suppose to have this in order to survive........... is this not so? Do we really need to develop this at university to be "employable".

So what really do they mean by boosting "employability skills". You know what I think, too many theories and not enough practicality of the real world. We are place in a simulator call "university" but guess what, it is not real. We need to get back to a time when people are given a chance to learn in a real and practical environment; then we may be able to boost "employability skills".

Next:What employers are looking for............A 1st, a 2:1, 2:2 Degree or does it really matter??????

Monday 17 June 2013

So you have finished your last paper at Uni......what next?

If there is one thing that I know about life is that it is fill with uncertainty. You began your three year university degree with good intentions........."I am going to be the next big banker or financial the next 3 years I will be working in one of the largest global future is secure, I will be a graduate and join the elite club of academic achievers....and I could go on......" You struggle and realise that university is hard work. "How can I possible be given 5o% by my lecturer for this course work? I have worked very hard on this assignment".

This is when the bubble burst, so university will not be easy. You suddenly see yourself as the teller at the bank working at your local branch at longer a financial guru. No one had actually prepare you for the harsh reality of university life. Suddenly you realise that you need more money to cover your expense......time to look for a job in Peacock....this is not what you had in mind. What about all the fun and parties that you will be attending........where are all the cute boys and girls, perhaps my future husband/wife that I will be meeting? Hmmmm.........reality has finally set in and it paves the way for uncertainty.

Finally reached the last year......pheeew........just about made it.........just on the edge of that 2:1.  Can not see that bright future of working in that large global company anymore......well not with that 2:1 that you have just about achieved.  The future is becoming more dimmer and so uncertainty as set in. There is all this talk and screaming about Graduates job....but I have never heard of anyone who has actually got one. Was this whole idea of going to university for three years a waste of time? Was I under an illusion about joining the elite club of academic achievers? The only certainty that I have is this feeling of uncertainty.